EMRA's Sister Club in Australia

We've visited other clubs around the world, and a group in Perth, Australia has become a "sister" club. We share visits, photos, and calendars with the Western Australia Model Railway Club.

Rails through the Bush.

The club has received a gift of a book called "Rails through the Bush" from our sister club in Perth Australia.

It is a wonderful collection of information on the timber railways of Western Australia. It has been put together by two members of the Railway Historical Society whose grounds the Western Australian Model Railway Club share at Bassendean.

The book was published in 2008 and the authors Adrian Gunzburg & Jeff Austin were kind enough to sign our copy.

The book can be found in its own holder in our library room for all to read, we do ask that it not be removed from the building.

EMRA Home Page
Most recent update: 2009 April 7 by Mark Johnson.