EMRA - Dues Structure

Inactive - $30.00 per year
Junior - $25.00 per year (under 16 years)
Associate - $65.00 per year + $20.00 initiation fee (the $20.00 fee is paid one time on becoming an Associate member, so the first payment is $85.00) (16 years or older)
Regular - $125.00 per year (18 years or older)

For more info on EMRA membership see Section 3 of the EMRA Bylaws

Regular members should pay their dues by March 1, the start of the club's fiscal year.

Associate and Junior members do not pay on an annual basis. Their membership dues are paid based on when they joined the club. The Treasurer will send out emails letting Associate and Junior members know when their dues should be paid and the amount owing.

All members can check the date their dues have been paid up to by checking the membership list on the EMRA's member's page. (Password required)

EMRA Home Page
Most recent update: 2024 September 23